Best wishes

Hi all,

Made this card keeping in mind about the ombre theme going on for BGC challenge 12. I recently entered into the world of quilling so wanted to try with that only. First coming to the cardstock i used dark blue card,pasted the light blue paper.Then comes the pot with white,light orange and orange shades,leaves with light green and dark green, though not exactly in the leaves shape, small flowers with the shades of pink, big flower with shades of yellow, border with the shades of brown. 
i still have lot to learn,  i know that there are graduating strips available but i used what ever colours i had from light to dark. i have seen lot of information  about the good craft supply websites in India, still in research. will definitely get and try lot of different things.

entering into the challenges:


PJ said…
thats some g8 quilling !
thanks for playing @ Beyond Grey challenges !

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