Just my feeling
Hi all This post is not about any craft project. Its just a personal mail where i want to share my feelings with you all. I had an interest in craft from my childhood and never found time to do anything like this as am doing now. Thanks to smita who kindly shared her quilling art. I learnt my first class in june and i roughly remember the month as july when i first entered some challenge. And in these five months i had experienced so many things,inspired from many and learnt few things which i can just ignore but i couldnot. Its not fair if i write anything like this anywhere, because its my blog i can share my opinions about something. After participating in the challenges in these 5months ,i want to share something i observed. I am specifically talking about only Indian challenges. I participated in every challenge without missing, am just not saying this because i didn't win anything. There are many talented crafters out there, i really admire their work. They ar...