Happy Dassera to all my bloggy friends.


Unknown said…
A very happy dussehara to you and family, you have a beautiful space here with such amazing creations.
Sanketi said…
Happy Dassera to you too!
and thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment and follow, although I don't see you following publicly ,am glad my work seemed to catch your eye!
Smriti said…
Wish you a belated happy dusshera too Kavitha!

Thanks for your kind words!

Regarding the banner, it'll be a little bit more effort but you can actually cut the triangles with hand. Cut a 5" square; one one edge take the center and draw lines from the center to the two corners on the opposite edge.
For the letters, you can maybe print them out and cut; or cut them in a circle.

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